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Peanut-Butter Banana Sandwich

Peanut-Butter Banana Sandwich



  • Peanuts (1 cup, roasted)
  • Sugar (1 tbsp)
  • Banana (1, ripe)
  • Bread (2 slice)
  • Butter (1 tbsp)


To make peanut butter

  1. Grind peanut and sugar in a grinder will it become a paste, to form a peanut butter.

To make peanut-butter banana sandwich

  1. Mash banana and keep it aside.
  2. Toast both the bread slice in butter. Add mashed banana in one slice and and spread peanut-butter on the other slice.
  3. Make the sandwich of both the slice and toast it for another 2 minutes.

Peanut-butter banana sandwich is ready to be served.

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